feel like home, How to Make Your Extended Stay Feel Like Home

How to Make Your Extended Stay Feel Like Home

An extended stay away from home in corporate housing can sometimes take time and adjustment. Not all corporate housing providers are created equal, but some go above and beyond to make your transition as smooth as possible. Luckily, there are many ways that even you can spruce up your new space to make it feel more like home. Here are a few tips that will reduce your anxiety and help you sleep better at night.  

Bring the Comforts of Home with You  

One of the best ways to make a space feel more like home is by bringing some of your own belongings. This personal touch can make a huge difference in easing your transition for an extended stay.   

Consider Your Decor  

As you bring your own stuff into your corporate housing space, let your personality shine through as you surround yourself with all the decorations you know and love. Take photos of family and friends, posters, and simple furnishings. Having these visual items will make any place feel more comfortable.  

Put on Your Linens & Sheets  

Good sleep is also vital in making your long-term stay feel like home. While most corporate housing properties provide sheets, you might prefer to utilize your own bedding! It might be that favorite pillow back home, or the full sheet set. Linens just help you to get a good night’s sleep!  

Pack Your Electronics  

It just may not feel like home if you can’t kick back after a long day. You may enjoy watching your favorite TV shows, surfing the web, or even gaming. We’ve already got the TV covered, but you should consider the other electronics you’ll need for your entertainment needs. What about your gaming console? Do you need to bring your audio equipment, so you can listen to audiobooks and music? Perhaps you really need productivity or virtual assistant devices to help you relax and feel at home.   

Unpack Your Suitcase 

Get settled in before doing anything else! It’s hard to put down roots when living out of a suitcase. As you transfer your clothes out of luggage and into the drawers, you’ll be going a long way toward ensuring the corporate housing place feels like home. In addition, this simple act reduces travel anxiety. So, within your first week, fold or hang up your clothes. Put away your toiletries and fill up your fridge and cupboards with groceries. It’s all part of allowing yourself to put down roots as you make the place feel like home!  

Maintain Your Daily Routine  

Just because you’re on a long-term stay doesn’t mean your schedule has to change. Create schedule that emulates what you do when you’re at home or stick to the schedule you’re already familiar with. As you keep those old, familiar habits, it can make a difference! Of course, you might not have any choice but to change some of your daily routines but keep them as consistent as possible.  

Keep Your Space Clean  

Take time to tidy up. A clean space is essential if you want your corporate housing to feel like home. As you actively maintain a clean-living space, you’ll begin to get a sense of pride. To make it even easier, we offer room cleaning and housekeeping services at The Hennessey Group. So, it’s even easier to keep your living space clean and organized.    

Make it Smell like Home  

Depending on your lease and housing agreement, consider a diffuser, candles, or air fresheners that remind you of your home. It’s a great way to cozy up to your new space, while relaxing and helping you unwind after a long day. Embrace the power of using familiar or comforting scents as you ease into your corporate living accommodations.   

Stay in Corporate Housing with The Hennessey Group  

At The Hennessey Group, we know how to help you transition into your long term stay accommodations as smoothly as possible. When you stay in our corporate housing solutions, we want you to feel relaxed, safe, and comfortable. Get in touch with us to see how we can help you today!